针对目前触点材料领域的现状和存在的问题及低压电器对触点材料的应用要求 ,提出了一种研究触点材料的新思路 ,制成了银基导电陶瓷触点材料。实验结果表明 ,该材料具有优良的机械性能和电性能 ,完全可能成为AgCdO的替代品 ,同时其优良的机加工性能对AgSnO2也具有很大的挑战性。
According to the present study of contact materials and the existing problems in these fields, we put forward a new notion to work on those materials and turn out a kind of Ag_based conductive ceramic contact materials to meet the application demands in low_voltage transformer industry. The experiment results prove that the materials have merits of good electrical properties and mechanical properties. In a word, it is very possible for the new conductive ceramic materials to take the place of AgCdO and we are also sure they will become a strong challenger to AgSnO2 someday.
Electrical Engineering Materials
国家高技术发展规划资助课题 (编号:2001AA327150)