对 4种冷地型草坪草品种在江淮地区的前期生长进行了观测评价 ,同时对其若干生理指标做了测定与分析。结果表明 :各品种草坪草前期生长表现出的质量优劣依次为 :多年生黑麦草Lolium perenne>凌志>美洲虎 3号 >猎狗 5号 ;抗旱性强弱依次为 :凌志Festucaarundinaceacv Barlexas >美洲虎 3号Festucaarundinaceacv Houndolog5 >猎狗 5号Festucaarundinaceacv Jarguar3>多年生黑麦草 ;越夏和越冬表现较好的为美洲虎 3号和凌志 ,猎狗
The early stage growth of four cold season turfgrasses grown in the Yangtze Huaihe area was observed and evaluated, and physiological indices of the varieties were also determined and analyzed The results showed for the early stage growth, the order of quality from best to poorest was perennial ryegrass, Festuca arundinacea cv Barlexas, F arundinacea cv Jaguar 3 and F arundinacea cv Courser 5 The order of drought resistance determined from greatest to least was Barlexas, Jaguar 3, Courser 5 and perennial ryegrass Barlexas and Jaguar 3 showed better adaptability to summer and winter than Courser 5 and perennial Ryegrass
Pratacultural Science