单就城镇土地制度改革来讲 ,建立土地有偿使用制度是中心目标 ,是建立城镇土地商品化流转制度的前提 ;建立土地有偿使用制度和土地商品化流转制度 ,则是建立城镇土地收益分配及投入制度的必要条件。城镇土地收益及投入制度的建立 ,反过来又有助于完善城镇土地有偿使用和土地商品化流转制度。三者互相制约 ,互相促进 ,共同构成城镇土地使用制度的完整制度结构。
Talking about the reformation of town's land system the chief aim of it is to establish the compensated system for land use which is the premise of setting-up the commercial circulation system of town's land. And the previous two systems are necessary conditions to create income dispensation and investment system of the land of towns. The constitution of the latter system shall in turn do good to the former systems. The three systems restrict one another and promote one another so as to form a complete usage system of town's land.
Journal of Guangxi University For Nationalities(Philosophy and Social Science Edition)