惩罚性赔偿作为经济法的一种具体责任形式 ,在英美法系国家得到广泛的适用 ,我国也在《消费者权益保护法》第 49条规定了双倍赔偿原则 ,但在实际运用中却还有很多不尽人意之处 ,且存在很大的局限性。本文试以英美法律惩罚性赔偿的相关规定为借鉴 ,结合我国实际情况 ,探讨如何使惩罚性赔偿在我国法律中得到更有效。
As a kind of concrete liability prescribed in the economic law, the punitive compensation is widely used in the countries of Anglo-American law system. The Article 49 in our Consumer Protection Law prescribes the principle of diploid compensation, but its actual utility is nor a satisfaction because the limitation exists. Using for reference the relative prescription in the Anglo-American law system, the thesis discusses the wider and more effective utility of punitive compensation in China.
Journal of Guangxi Administrative Cadre Institute of Politics and Law