暂缓不起诉是一种源自基层的司法探索 ,对其利弊得失 ,应在司法改革的大背景下对其进行理性的分析。文章在界定我国暂缓不起诉的基础上 ,指出目前的暂缓不起诉在定位、适用范围、适用对象和适用程序等方面存在误区。
Postponement of non-prosecution is an reform measure which comes from basic practice.We couldn't simply tell it wrong or right,but should rationally analysis it in the background of judical reform.The paper definte its concept,then it points out that there are many mmistakes,such as its define,scope,procedure and so on.Thus,we should be cautious to trial the system of postponement of non-prosecution.
Journal of Guangxi Administrative Cadre Institute of Politics and Law