级别管辖制度是从纵向确定不同级别法院之间一审民事案件管辖权限的制度。由于现有法律的不完善 ,级别管辖无序的现象凸显于司法实践之中。级别管辖制度的最核心问题是划分标准的确定性问题 ,解决此问题需以“争议标的额为首要标准”代替传统的案件性质、繁简程度和影响范围相结合的“三结合标准”。
The grade jurisdiction system is a kind of system about the jurisdiction of civil action of first instance. With the current imperfect laws, the out-of-order phenomena have been discovered in the practical judicial administration. The most core of this system is the confirmation of the divisiory standard, which should be the amount of disputed object but not the current standard.
Journal of Guangxi Administrative Cadre Institute of Politics and Law