收集和调查整理了广州地区藤蔓植物资源.广州藤蔓植物共有192种、128属、53科,分别占广州植物的种、属、科的12 6%、14 4%、26 9%.基本特点是双子叶植物科、属、种最多,蕨类植物、裸子植物和单子叶植物较少.通过科、属分布类型分析可知,热带成分比例较大,分别占广州藤蔓植物总科数、总属数的56 6%、83 6%.小科和单种科较多,而大科较少.广州藤蔓植物单种属比例最大,占本区藤蔓植物总属数的67 9%,尤以泛热带区系成分占优势.
The floristic characteristics of vine resources in Guangzhou has been investigated in this paper, based on the firsthand information and came to the face that the vine of Guangzhou flora. The total number amounts of 192 species, 128 genera and 53 families, which accounts for 12.6%, 14.4% and 26.9% of the whole plant flora in Guangzhou respectively. The biggest figure is the largest number of dicotyledon, the small families and genera. The single genera have a large quantity than the big ones. Through analyzing distribution types of vine families and genera, a conclusion that the tropical components occuply 56.6% and 83.6% of the total was obtained.
Journal of Guangzhou University:Natural Science Edition