对在饲料中添加酵母多糖对丰产鲫(Fertilitycrucian)生长状况及抗病力的影响进行了初步的研究.饲料中添加0 5%和0 8%的酵母多糖,投喂35d,其结果:第一次试验丰产鲫的体长、体重和细菌感染后的存活率分别比对照组提高了5 02%、26 71%、20%和7 57%、28 73%、20%;第二次试验丰产鲫的体长、体重和细菌感染后的存活率分别比对照组提高了7 58%、35 00%、30%和11 90%、40 92%、30%.说明在饲料中添加酵母多糖对丰产鲫的生长有促进作用,同时增强了丰产鲫的抗病力.
In this paper, a research to the effects of adding the Yeast glucan in feed on growing and disease resistance of Fertility crucian is carried out. Adding 0.5% and 0.8% Yeast glucan in feed, and throws feeding 35 days, the results showed that the length, weight and survival rate of Fertility crucian in first trial could raise to 5.02%, 26.71%, 20% and 7.57%, 28.73%, 20%; The length, weight and survival rate of Fertility crucian in second trial could raise to 7.58%, 35.00%, 30% and 11.90%, 40.92%, 30%. The facts show that adding the Yeast glucan in feed could raise growing and disease resistance of Fertility crucian.
Journal of Guangzhou University:Natural Science Edition