循环经济是一种仿照生态规律运行的可持续发展经济 ,文章论述了循环经济的概念和基本特征 ,认为在矿业开发中应按循环经济的要求 ,发展清洁生产、废弃物利用、矿产资源综合利用等技术体系。使矿产资源及其制成品在生产阶段、消费阶段、分解阶段都对环境和人类无害。文章对发展循环型矿业经济提出了七点建议。
On the premise of introduction to the concept and basic characteristics of recycling economy, the paper points out that mining development should follow the recycling economy and develop clean production, make use of waste material and comprehensive utilization of mineral resources so as to make the mineral resources and finished products no harm for environment and human beings in the stage of production, consumption and decompose. Finally, it suggests some specific methods for improving the recycling mining economy.
Natural Resource Economics of China