
加压气固喷射器输送特性的试验研究 被引量:7

Experimental Study on Static Pressure Distribution Properties of Gas-Solid Injector Under Pressure
摘要 在增压气力输送系统试验装置上,对影响收缩型气固喷射器的工作特性的关键因素做了较详细的研究.试验研究结果表明,气体喷嘴位置和收缩段的收缩角对气固喷射器的最大固体输送量均有较大的影响.此外,气体喷嘴位置以及收缩段的收缩角对收缩型气固喷射器内的静压分布也均有一定的影响. On the testing equipment of a pressurized pneumatic conveying system, a detailed investigation of an important parameter, the location of driving nozzle, which can affect the conveying characteristics of the convergent gas-solid injector was performed. The experimental results indicate that the location of the driving nozzle and the convergent section angle has an obvious influence on the maximal mass flow rate of the conveyed material, and this effect has relation to the back pressure of the pneumatic conveying system. In addition, the location of the driving nozzle and the convergent section angle still affect on the static pressure distribution in the convergent gas-solid injector.
出处 《燃烧科学与技术》 EI CAS CSCD 2004年第2期130-134,共5页 Journal of Combustion Science and Technology
基金 国家重点基础研究资助项目(G199902210535) 国家"863"计划资助项目(2003AA522030).
关键词 气力输送 气体喷嘴 输送特性 气固喷射器 Gases Nozzles Particle injectors Pressure distribution Solids
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