Objective: To diagnose occult micrometastasis of mediastinal lymph node in patients wit h non)small cell lung cancer(NSCLC)and evaluate its clinical prognostic signi ficance. Methods: Two hundred and forty)two stations of mediastinal lymph nodes from fifty)e ight patients with NSCLC without invasion of the tumor confirmed by routine hist opathological examination(pN 0 )were studied to detect mRNA for MUC1gene and determined occult micrometas tasis,by using assays of reverse tran)scriptase)polymerase chain reaction(RT )PCR).The all patients were followed)up for three years.Sur)vival rate was calculated by method of Kaplan)Meier and survival difference between groups wi th and without occult micrometastasis group was compared with Log)Rank test. Results: The mRNA for MUC1gene was identified in twenty)three stations of lymph nod es from sixteen patients,and occult mi)crometastasis was diagnosed in the pati ents(27.6%).TNM staging for those patients was up)regulated from stage I A ~ B to stage A .Seven patients with occult micrometastasis were alive at three year(43 .7%),thirty)one patients without occult micrometastasis were alive at thre e year(73.8%).Three)year survival rate was lower in the former than tha t in the latter(P<0.05). Conclusion: Occult mi)crometastasis in mediasinal lymph node of patients with NSCLC cou ld be diagnosed by identification of MUC1mRNA.Occult micrometastasis of medias inal lymph node in patients with pN 0 disease was an indicator of poorer prognosis.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology