观察不同比例羟基磷灰石 (HA)复合聚DL 乳酸 (PDLLA)制备的泡沫材料的体外降解特性 ,将PDLLA、PDLLA/HA(5wt%)、PDLLA/HA(2 0wt%)及PDLLA/HA(35wt%)四种材料置入蒸馏水中降解 ,比较各组pH值、重量、分子量及抗压强度的变化。结果发现 ,复合材料PDLLA/HA(2 0wt%)降解各时期的各指标与其他组比较差异有显著性意义 (P <0 0 5 )。纯PDLLA的pH值呈逐渐下降的趋势 ,而PDLLA/HA(2 0wt%)在 6周后趋向于平稳 ,12周时pH值与原环境相近。说明HA的加入影响了PDLLA的体外降解性能 ,不同比例的复合材料性能不同 ,PDLLA/HA(2 0wt%)具有降解过程相对延迟、力学性能稳定和能缓冲酸性代谢产物的特点。
To investigate the degradation features of HA and PDLLA/HA composites in different proportion in vitro. Four kinds of foams consisting of PDLLA, PDLLA/HA (5%wt), PDLLA/HA (20%wt), and PDLLA/HA (35%wt) were immersed in distilled water. Changes in pH, mass loss, viscosity-average molecular weight, and strength against pressure were observed and compared to study degradation features of specimens in vitro. There were statistically differences in the indexes between the PDLLA/HA (20%wt) composite and the other foams after 12 weeks (P<0.05). The results suggested that the addition of HA exerted an influence on degradation features of PDLLA in vitro, and the composite of PDLLA/HA in 20% wt showed a retarded degradation, more mechanical stability, and a better buffering effect.
Medical Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army
广东省重点攻关项目资助课题 (编号 2 0 0 1A30 2 0 2 0 2 0 5)