为重建截瘫患者的大小便功能 ,对 30例截瘫患者切取其截瘫平面以上的 2组正常肋间神经及伴行动、静脉。远端切断 ,近端游离 ,经肌下隧道转移至椎管内 ,取腓肠神经桥接 ,截瘫平面为T11以上者与部分切断的S2~ 4 神经根行选择性束间缝合 ,截瘫平面为T12以下者与选择性切断部分神经束的S2~ 4 神经根于硬膜外缝合。术后随访 2~ 11年 (平均 5年 ) ,2 6例 (86 6 %)有排尿、排便反射和臀部、外阴会阴部S1~ 2级的感觉恢复 ;2 3例 (76 7%)除上述功能外尚有主动排尿功能恢复 ,其中 8例 (2 7%)有逼尿肌和尿道、肛门括约肌主动收缩功能恢复。证实该方法可重建部分截瘫患者的排尿、排便功能和臀、会阴及外阴部感觉。
The aim of this procedure is to reconstruct the defecation and urinary functions in paraplegic patients. In 30 patients, two normal vascularized intercoastal nerves above the paraplegic level were isolated and their distal ends divided. They were transferred to the vertebral canal through a submuscular tunnel. The sural nerve was harvested with enough length and separated into two segments, which were sutured as a bridge with S 2-4 nerve roots by interfascicular neurorrhaphy in patients with spinal cord injury above T 11 or with S 2-4 nerve roots outside of the vertebral canal in patients with spinal cord injury below T 12. After 2 to 11-year (mean 5 years) follow-up, 26 (86.6%) patients regained partial micturition reflex and defecation reflex, and partial sensation (S1-2) in buttock, perineal and vulva regions. In 23 (76.7%) patients had also recovery of the function of voluntary urination, and 8 (27%) of them showed partial recovery of function of the detrusor muscle, urethral sphincter, and anal sphincter. The results showed that the procedure described above could be used as an alternative method to reconstruct the function of defecation and urination, and also partial sensation of perineal and vulval region in a part of paraplegic patients.
Medical Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army
nerve transfer
recovery of function
fecal and urinary functions