提出了基于电子商务的大规模定制模式 ,指出该模式是以定制企业为核心 ,通过电子商务平台将定制企业、供应商、客户及第三方物流公司等密切联系起来。阐述了该模式的运作过程并对其核心部分进行了分析 ,论述了该模式的优势。最后 ,通过几个成功的案例说明该模式的效果。
The mode of mass customization based on e-commerce is presented. The core enterprise in this mode is the customization enterprise.At first, the customization enterprise, suppliers, customers and third party logistics providers are connected via e-commerce platform. Then, analyzing the core part in this mode, the operation processes are expatiated, and the advantages of this mode are introduced. Finally, several successful cases are used to illustrate the effects of this mode.
Industrial Engineering and Management
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (70 2 710 43 )
教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金资助项目 (教外司留 [2 0 0 3 ] 14号 )