
我国公共事业类上市公司企业规模实证研究 被引量:1

Empirical Research on Firm Scale of Listed Companies of Chinese Public Utilities Industry
摘要 一个行业或企业的规模大小是否合适 ,直接关乎其市场竞争力。借助交易成本等规模经济理论 ,采用统计分析工具中的参数、非参数检验以及判别分析法等研究方法 ,以规模优秀企业为参照蓝本 ,对我国公共事业类上市公司的企业规模发展状态进行了实证研究。研究结果表明 ,我国公共事业类上市公司的企业规模普遍偏小。 Whether the scale of one industry or firm is suitable or not is concerned with its market competitiveness directly. This paper was based on economies of scale, such as transaction cost. Statistical analysis was used, regard outstanding firm of the scale as the original version, with the parameter and non-parameter test and discrimination analytic approach to carry on the empirical research to the state of development of firm scale of Chinese listed companies in public utilities industry. The result of study demonstrated the firm scale of listed company of Chinese public utilities industry was generally small.
作者 李丹 苏顺兵
出处 《工业工程与管理》 2004年第2期87-92,共6页 Industrial Engineering and Management
关键词 公共事业 上市公司 企业规模 企业边界 交易成本 firm scale the boundary of the firm listed companies
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