
光纤偏振效应导致脉冲展宽的解析模型 被引量:3

Analytical Theory of Pulse Broadening Due to Polarization Effects in Optical Fibers
摘要 在 10Gb/s ,尤其是 4 0Gb/s以上高速光纤通信系统中 ,光纤的偏振特性已成为限制系统传输距离的主要因素之一。光纤的偏振效应主要包括偏振模色散和偏振依赖损耗。而脉冲均方根展宽是判断信号传输性能的一个主要物理量。本文讨论了光纤线路偏振模色散与偏振相关损耗的相互作用及对信号脉宽的影响。给出了线路偏振模色散矢量和偏振相关损耗矢量之间的关系式 ,并基于严格的数学方法 ,导出了在光纤偏振模色散和偏振相关损耗共同作用下的信号均方根脉宽变化的解析形式 ,同时考虑了光纤色散 ,啁啾等。该模型可用于分析高阶偏振模色散和偏振相关损耗 。 As the transmission bit rate increases to 10 Gb/s, especially 40 Gb/s and beyond, polarization effects in optical fibers have become one of the significant limiting factors for long-haul transmission. The polarization characteristics of fiber are mainly polarization mode dispersion (PMD) and polarization dependent loss (PDL). While the pulse root mean square (RMS) broadening is a main physical variable to judge signal transmission performance. The interaction between PMD and PDL and their combined effects on pulse broadening are investigated in detail. The relation between PMD vector and PDL vector in fiber links is described analytically. In presence of PMD and PDL, analytical expression of pulse broadening in optical fibers is derived, and chromatic dispersion, chirping are also considered simultaneously. The model can be used to analyze higher order PMD, PDL and pulse broadening in any linear fiber communication system.
出处 《光学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第4期512-516,共5页 Acta Optica Sinica
基金 国家 8 6 3(2 0 0 1AA12 0 2 0 4 )资助课题
关键词 光纤通信技术 偏振模色散 偏振损耗 均方根脉宽 脉冲展宽 光纤偏振效应 optical fiber communication technology polarization mode dispersion polarization dependent loss RMS pulse width
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