利用扫描电镜 ,对黑龙江省桦木科 (Betulaceae)植物 4属 (赤杨属 (Alnus)桦木属 (Betu la)鹅耳枥属 (Carpinus)榛属 (Corylus) ) 1 5种 4个变种 3个变型的导管分子的管腔微形态学进行了比较研究。结果表明 :该科植物在导管管腔的长度 ,管腔宽度上都有较大的差别 ;纹孔为具缘纹孔 ;纹孔的排列方式上 ,除少数种外均为互列式纹孔式 ;管间纹孔成群分布 ,且绝大部分呈现出规则的形状 ;在成群分布的纹孔内或边缘区域 ,有圆形点状突出物或由大小不同的孔做成的网状突出物 ,在该科中普遍存在。探讨导管分子管腔的主要特征 ;
By means of scanning electron microscope(SEM), The morphological structure of the inner wall of the vessel molecules in plants of Betulaceae in Heilongjiang Province is studied, which includes 4 genera (Alnus, Betula, Carpinus and Corylus),15 species,4 varieties and 3 forms are included in the study. The result shows that there is obvious difference in the length and the width of vessel molecules. Pits are bordered. They are all alternate pitting except a few species. The pits between vessels are distributed in groups, most of them show regular form. In the inner or on the border of pits, there are round point projections or reticular projections that are consist of varying apertures. They are common in Betulaceae. The main features of the inner walls are discussed and analyzed the ecological adaptation in morphological evolution of the vessel molecules are analyzed. This paper concludes that the specialization level of vessel molecules is determined by the humidity utilization, traspiration and pressure selection.
Bulletin of Botanical Research
黑龙江省教育厅科学技术指导项目 ( 10 5 3 3 0 16)