通过路面弹性层状体系理论及基层表面回弹位移分析 ,对铺筑后水泥稳定砂砾基层早期表面弯沉进行连续实测并加以数值概率统计 ,描绘半刚性基层表面初期弯沉变化曲线 ;结合道路各结构层厚度及弹性模量 ,由弯沉系数诺谟图计算基层的回弹模量值 ,并得出模量发展变化非线性回归公式 ;再根据不同水泥剂量基层试验段测试结果 ,采用指数函数回归拟合基层材料回弹模量随不同龄期和剂量的增长变化规律 。
According to the theory of multi-layer elastic system and analysis of displacement of base course surface,the surface deflection of semi-rigid base course after construction was measured successively and analyzed with statistical method.The curves of surface deflection of base course were depicted.Combining the depth and elastic modulus of the different structure layers,and coefficient nomogram of surface deflection.The base course modulus of elasticity was calculated and the regression formula was gained.From the check result with test roads of different cement quantity,the indexfunction,which simulate the increase of base course modulus of elasticity as time and quantity to evaluate base course constructed quality,was gained.
Liaoning Communication Science and Technology