
色关联单模激光线性模型初态的随机共振 被引量:1

Stochastic Resonance of a Single-mode Laser with Color Cross-correlation in Initial State Linear Model
摘要 讨论了具有指数关联形式的两白噪声驱动下,单模激光线性模型受信号调制后初态的输出信噪比,即瞬态第一个周期的随机共振现象. 也讨论了噪声间互关联程度和互关联时间及信号频率对信噪比的影响,并和定态的随机共振进行了比较. In this paper, stochastic resonance(SR) phenomenon is discussed by studying the initial state output signal-to-noise(SNR) of the linear model of single-mode laser, which driven by two white noises correlated in the form of a exponential function and the first periodic stochastic resonance of the instantaneous-state is calculated .Moreover the influence on SNR is discussed by correlated strength and correlation time between noises and signal frequency. the stochastic resonance is detected under proper conditions and the steady-state stochastic resonance is compared .
作者 张良英
出处 《襄樊学院学报》 2004年第2期18-22,共5页 Journal of Xiangfan University
基金 襄樊学院院立科研项目(2003YA010)
关键词 噪声 指数形式互关联 功率谱 信噪比 随机共振 Noise Correlation form Power spectrum Signal-to-noise rate Stochastic resonance
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