为正确理解我国标准与CAC标准的关系 ,通过分析WTO相关协定中赋予成员的权利和义务 ,指出由于我国食品标准中的食物分类与CAC存在较大差别 ,我国人群膳食结构的特殊性 ,食品的污染水平 ,目前的实验室检测水平无法达到国际标准的要求以及特殊国情决定的特殊健康保护水平 ,我国食品卫生标准工作应积极参与国际法典委员会的工作 ,加强食源性危害的监测和膳食暴露评估研究 ,充分利用等同性认可、临时性措施 ,重视通报 ,根据WTO协定对成员的权利义务的要求 ,客观、科学、合理地制定既符合我国经济、技术发展状况又能保护消费者健康的食品卫生标准。
The relationship between Codex and Chinese food standards was elaborated through the analysis of the legal right and obligation entrusted by WTO/SPS agreement and the status quo of the Chinese food safety standards systems. While the principle of applying Codex to the maximum extent was in practice in our food standard program,it is acknowledged that the inconsistencies still exist due to the discrepancy of the food category system,dietary pattern and the level of food contamination and laboratory analysis etc. For the challenges posed by food standards in the global trade framework of WTO,some areas were identified for the development of national food standards which are in light with the economic and technological development as well as protecting of public health in an objective,scientific and justifiable manner. These areas include active participation of Codex work;strengthening the surveillance of food-borne hazard and the study of dietary intake assessment;attaching importance to the equivalence recognition,provisional measures application and the notification obligations etc.
Chinese Journal of Food Hygiene