《中华人民共和国食品卫生法》第二十五条规定了食品索证的法律制度 ,明确了索证形式为合格证和化验单。本文针对贯彻实施这一法律制度过程中在某些方面 ,如合格证的表现形式、食品企业的出证资格、索证范围与违规处理等问题进行了分析。强调索证工作应当力求 :范围界定合理 ,管理分类进行 ,形式符合实际 ,处理宽严适度。同时认为 ,对于“合格证”以及食品企业出证的法律地位 ,应当在执法实践中给予肯定。对食品生产经营者在索证方面的权利、义务 ,卫生监督机构对索证的管理内容进行了探讨。
Item 25 of Law on Food Hygiene stipulates the legal system of certificate claiming and clearly defines the forms of certificate claiming to be quality certificate and laboratory test report. This article analyses some important problems,which appear during the implementation of this legal system,such as the form of quality certificate,the qualification of foodstuff enterprise to offer the certificate,the scope of certificate claiming,the dealing with violation,and so on. This article stresses reasonable scope for certificate claiming,classified management,accordance with reality and appropriate leniency and sternness when dealing with violation of the legal system. At the same time,the legal position of quality certificate and the certificate offering of foodstuff enterprise during executing the law should be officially affirmed. Besides,the right and obligation of the food producer and the purchaser and the management of sanitation supervising organization were also discussed.
Chinese Journal of Food Hygiene