自 198 3年第一例转基因植物问世以来 ,转基因作物种类迅猛增加 ,种植的面积在不断扩大 ,也给人类带来了非常明显的经济效益。与此同时 ,人们已经注意到转基因作物对生物多样性已经或可能产生的影响 ;对遗传多样性的影响 ;对生态系统多样性的影响 ;对物种多样性的影响。
Since the first transgenic plant in 1983,the rapid increase of types of transgenic crops and the enlargement of planting area have brought the human being obvious economic benefits.Meanwhile,people have been aware of the influence that transgenic crops have had or might have on biodiversity;influence on the diversity of inheritance,ecosystem and species.