我国《刑法》第 196条第 3款明确规定 :盗窃信用卡并使用的 ,依照盗窃罪定罪处罚 .立法的这一规定解决了司法认定中存在的分歧 ,便利了司法操作 .但从刑法理论的角度分析 ,这一规定是否合理尚值得推敲 .
In Article 196,Section 2 of The Criminal Law,it is stipulated clearly that one who steals another person ,s credit card and uses it is to be declared guilty and given penalty as theft.This stipulation prevents the divergence in judicial confirmation and facilitates judicial operation.Yet it deserves further consideration as whether it is a just judgement when viewed from the angle of the theory of criminal code.
Journal of XUZHOU Institute of Architectural Technology