This paper describes the design and development of a wireless LAN (WLAN) access point based on Bluetooth and uClinux. To make the best use of high-speed serial communication capability, several methods such as modifying baud-rate of serial port driver, utilizing buffer area and adding flow-control were adopted. After analysis of scheduling and interruption handling, modifying the timer's parameters was put forward as a method to control the timer interrupt. In this way, data throughput and system stability were enhanced. Meanwhile, migration of the Bluetooth protocol stack was detailed and some successful applications of LAN access point were presented.
给出了基于uClinux和蓝牙技术的无线局域网接入设备的设计和研制要点 .为了充分发挥硬件的高速异步串行通信能力 ,采用了修改串行口驱动程序中的接口波特率、利用缓冲机制并添加流量控制等方法并收到良好效果 ;从分析操作系统的任务调度和中断机制入手 ,提出了用修改特定定时器参数的方法来控制时钟中断 ,该方法显著地提高了数据吞吐率 ,增强了系统稳定性 ;同时 ,论述了基于uClinux的蓝牙协议栈的研制情况及几个关键问题 ,并给出了若干基于蓝牙局域网访问点的成功应用方案 .
NationalKeyTechnologiesR&DProgram (No .2 0 0 1BA10 2C)