2001年11~12月,洛阳市文物工作队在洛阳市唐宫西路北侧,发掘清理了一批东周时期墓葬。编号为 CIM7983和 CIM7984的墓葬出土有青铜器、玉器等。其中 CIM7984出土的铜兽、铜马立体感强,纹饰精美,工艺水平较高,为洛阳地区少见;出土的玉器质地较好,特别是浮雕玉板为洛阳地区首次发现。
In November and december 2001,the team excavated a group of the Eastern Zhou tombs on an urban road called Tanggong Xilu.Two of the tombs coded as CIM7983 and CIM7984 yielded bronze and jade ob- jects.The lifelike and beautifully decorated bronze beasts and horses from CIM7984 are rare in Luoyang area. The lustrous and vivid jade articles are made of high quality raw materials.The relief and plaque are en- countered in this area for the first time. Judging by the shape and structure of,and funerary objects from,the tombs,the tomb occupants were noblemen of a higher rank of the Warring States period.
Cultural Relics