马来西亚在进入新世纪的第二年改革了其教育政策 ,2 0 0 2年 5月公立大学录取新生首次采用以成绩为标准 (绩效制 )而不是按民族配额为标准 (固打制 )的办法 ,结果出人意料 ,在马来西亚社会掀起轩然大波。本文分析了这种现象出现的原因 ,深入探讨了马来西亚政府实施绩效制的缘由 ,最后就马来西亚华人对受教育权利的抗争及其前景做了预测 ,认为绩效制是马来西亚政府为提高马来人的素质而采取的措施 ,对华人争取受教育权利也是一种机遇。
Malaysia reformed its educational system in 2002. The public colleges adopted the performance system instead of the quota system to enroll students for the first time in May. The result was surprising. It aroused a great disturbance. The article analyzes the causes of such a phenomenon,probes into the reasons why the Malaysia government takes the performance system,and finally forecasts the prospects for the ethnic Chinese to struggle for the right to education. The author holds that the performance system aims at improving the quality of Malay and it is also an opportunity for the ethnic Chinese.
Journal of World Peoples Studies