从辽宁省主栽烟区凤城、开原、西丰、岫岩、宽甸调查和采集样本多份,新分离到田间自然发病的烟草坏死病毒(TNV),将病毒纯化作汁液接种寄主范围试验,侵染6科29种植物,如茄科、豆科、葫芦科、藜科等多种植物上均表现侵染。接种烟草2~3天即出现坏死枯斑;接种大豆叶约4~5天出现褐色坏死斑。病毒常规测定得知其钝化温度(TIP)约85~95℃;稀释限点(DEP)为10^(-6)~10^(-7);体外存活期(LIV)较长,(做到30~35天)。提纯病毒的紫外吸收光谱,呈典型核蛋白吸收峰,其最高值在264nm 处,其最低值在245nm 处,A260/A280约1.51。电镜测视病毒粒子球形,直径27~28nm,与抗 TNV 标准抗血清产生清晰的沉淀线。初步证实辽宁新发生的这种病毒,应是烟草坏死病毒,这对田间防治和抗病选育工作提供了很好的依据。
A new tobacco necrosis virus (TNV) was isolated in the tobacco field in Liaoning Province.According to the test of the virus juice inoculation,it had wide nost ranges,such as some plants of Solanaceae, Amarantaceae,Leguminosa,Chenopodiaceae,Cucurbitaceae,Compositae,shown necrotic local lesions. It also showed slight local lesions on the leaves of Zea mays (Gramineae).when the virus juice of this isolate inoculated on Nicotiana tabacum,the ring like small local necrotic lesions occurred after 2 or 3 days.On cotyledns of Cucumis sativus necrotic lesions occurred,and there were chlorotic spots,vein clearing and systemic slight mosaic on the true leaves.It's TIP:85-92C,DEP:10^(-6)-10^(-7),LIV:many days (experiment to 30—35 days). The purified virus Juice showed typical nucleoprotein absortion,the max.value on 264nm;the min. value on 245nm.A260/A280=1.51.The virus particles were ball-shaped,27-28nm in diameter,when this isolate tested with the standard TNV antiserum by double diffusion method,it had clear precipitation lines on the agar plates.The isolate was identified as tobacco necrosis virus and called tobacco necrosis virus liaoning isolate (YNV IN).It has provided basis for breeding resistant varieties and field control.
China Tobacco
Tobacco necrosis virus (TNV)
Biological characters
Electron microscopy
Serological test