对目前广泛应用及正在研究的选择性催化还原 (SCR)烟气脱硝技术及催化剂进行了综述。详细分析了影响SCR过程的诸因素 ,如反应温度、烟气在反应器内的空间速度、烟气流型及与氨的湍流混合 ,以及催化剂钝化等 ,并提出了预防措施。指出目前SCR虽然技术成熟 ,脱硝效率高 ,但其投资和运行费用亦很高 ,成为限制SCR发展应用的主要原因。介绍了可使SCR整体成本降低的低温SCR技术的进展和研究目标。
The flue gas denitrification technology by using selective catalytic reduction(SCR) method widely used and under research at present, as well as catalytic agents system have been sammarized, some factors affecting the SCR process, such as reaction temperature, flue gas velocity in space of the reactor, flow pattern of the flue gas and mixing with ammonia turbulence, as well as passivation of catalytic agent etc., have been analysed in detail, and preventive measures being put forward. It is indicated that the SCR technology is even though a matured technique, and has high efficiency of flue gas denitrification, but the capital investment and operation cost are very high, becoming the main factors that limit the development and application of SCR method. Hence, the advancement and study target of a low temperature SCR technology which can reduce the entire cost of SCR facility have been presented.
Thermal Power Generation