针对在城市发生意外交通事故时 ,如何能尽快地联系到最近的救援单位 ,以减少人员伤亡和财产损失问题 ,开发了一个智能 GIS救援系统 .该系统能够在收到报警信息后自动产生救援方案 ,并联系有关救援单位 ,指出最快到达事故发生地的路线 .文中还探讨了层次分析法在该系统中的应用 .
With the complicated environment, increasing amount of people, many involved rescue departments, it is very important to instantly contact with the departments so which can arrive the site for first aid after accident. The article develops a rescue system based on GIS, which can automatically create a scheme including communicating the departments and show the shostest routes to accident sites. The application of AHP is discussed in detail.
Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Transportation Science & Engineering)