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8IAming Yu,Miehael Rabinovich.The Redc'don of Near Zone Effects on theMulti-component InductionLogglng Tool[q//SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exbifion,Denver,October 2003.Societyof Pe-noleum Engineers,2003:203-208.
9Rabinovich M,Corley B.Multi-component Induction Logging:10 Years After[C].//,The SPWLA 48th An- nual Logging Symposium,Austin,June 2007.Society of Petrophysicists & Well Log Analysts,2007:65-69.
10Rabinovich M,Corley B.Formation Dips from Multi- component Induction Data as an Alternative to Image Logs in Difficult Borehole Environments[C].//7th Oil arid NaturalGas Corporation Ltd.Intemafional Oil &Gas Conference,New Delhi January 2007.Petrotech-2007007:177-232.