HLA作为一个新的仿真技术框架 ,较DIS系统更具有灵活性、可扩充性、互操作性和可重用性 ,因此更适合于建立大型复杂分布交互仿真系统 ,对HLA系统的校核、验证和确认技术对于提高仿真系统的置信度显得尤为重要。介绍了HLA系统的标准开发过程模型FEDEP ,讨论了覆盖于FEDEP上的VV&A九步过程模型 ,分析了VV&A活动与联邦逼真度评估的关系。
As a new kind of simulation framework,the high level architecture(HLA) has more flexibility, extensibility, interoperability and reusability than distributed interactive simulation(DIS). So the HLA is more suitable to be used for huge and complex distributed system simulation. The technology of verification, validation, and accreditation(VV&A)is very important to improve the creditability of the simulation system based on HLA. This paper discusses VV&A process overlay of FEDEP (Federation Design and Execution Process) and analyses the relation between VV&A activities and federation fidelity. Finally some conclusions are presented.
Ship Electronic Engineering