根据系统工程数学中的可靠性理论 ,提出了舰艇电力系统生命力的损伤树分析方法 ,建立了该系统的损伤树和生命力评估模型 ,并对其进行了详细的说明 ,为电力系统生命力的评估提出了一种实用简便的方法。通过对某舰电力系统生命力评估分析 ,提出了提高电力系统生命力的合理建议。
Based on the reliability theory in the systems engineering mathematics,this paper brings forward the method of the damage tree for the electric power system of the ship.The model of damage tree and survivability evaluation is set up and illuminated in detail.The method is practical and convenient for the survivability evaluation of the electric power system.Through the survivability evaluation of the electric power system of a ship,this paper gives a reasonable proposition for elevating the survivability of the electric system.
Ship Electronic Engineering