论述了在高校人力资源管理制度改革中 ,应引进职业生涯规划理念 ,为科技人才制定科学的发展规划 ,使每名科技人才都能明确地拥有自己的发展空间 ,这不但有利于实现科技个人的职业目标 ,而且有利于实现高校人力资源的合理配置 ,达到人尽其才 。
The Career Planing conception should be introduced into the reformation of human resource management in universities. It can give every talent an expanding space difinitely by drawing a scientific developing plan for science and technology talents. This should be propitious not only to achieve the personal profession aims of science and technology talents , but also to attain a resonable disposition of the human resources in the universities so that everyone can do his best and his abilities can be fully used.
Technology and Innovation Management
20 0 2年河南省社会科学规划项目 (2 0 0 2DJY0 0 3 )