目的 了解性病门诊女性STD病人现患及行为特征 ,为防制性病 ,保护女性生殖健康提供依据。 方法 对性病门诊STD女性患者进行诊治 ,对确诊并接受治疗者采用一对一访谈的方法 ,了解并收集其社会—人口学特征及行为特征。 结果 2 16例性病门诊女性STD病人 2 0~ 3 5岁人群占 86 5 8% ,其中未婚者 ,占 3 7 96% ;该人群有较早的性生活史及活跃的性行为 ,较少使用避孕套 ;感染来源主要为商业性行为 ,其次为配偶 ;对所患性病最为担扰的依次为难治愈、花费大和影响生育。 结论 性病门诊女性病人为是性病传播的高危人群 ,治疗性病现患和提供性病防治及生殖健康教育是防制性病的重要途径。
Objective To find out the prevalence and behavior feature of STD female patients in STD out-patient clinic. Evidences for prevention and control of STD as well as that for protection of female reproduction health are provided. Methods Face to face Interviews are made to those female patients who come to the clinic and got definite diagnosis. Materials on social-demographic feature and characteristic behavior of this group of patients are collected. Result Among 216 female STD outpatients, 86.58% is at age 20~35, 37.96% is unmarried but with an early history of sexual intercourse and active sexual behavior. Seldom had they used condoms. The infection comes mainly from commercial sexual activity and spouse secondly. What the patients feel anxicious most are: firstly, incurable of the disease, high expenditure for treatment secondly, and the affect of reproduction at last.Conclusion The female STD outpatients are the high-risk population of transmitting sexual diseases. Delivering treatment and education on STD and reproduction health to current patients is a crucial way of controlling sexual diseases.
Practical Preventive Medicine
STD control
Reproduction health