
本振相位噪声引起QPSK信号信噪比降低的分析与仿真 被引量:2

Analyze of SNR and Bit-error Performance of QPSK Affected by Carrier Phase Noise
摘要 QPSK调制方式频带利用率高 ,因而在通信系统中被广泛采用。载波相位噪声对QPSK调制解调的影响是不可忽略的 ,也是难以分析的。文章在前人时域分析的基础上 ,侧重于对频域的分析 ,使得分析简单 ,意义明显直观 ,并在此基础上作了仿真 ,分析与仿真结果在一定的误差范围内是正确的。 QPSK is commonly used in communication because of its bandwidth efficiency. The effect on modulation and demodulation of QPSK via carrier phase noise can not be ignored, and it is difficult to analyze. There are some analyses about it mainly in time domain presented now. We do it mainly in frequency domain here. The results of simulation show the validity of our approach.
出处 《空间电子技术》 2004年第1期37-41,58,共6页 Space Electronic Technology
关键词 QPSK调制 通信系统 载波相位噪声 信噪比 仿真 时域分析 QPSK Phase Noise Simulation
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