目的 观察诱导凋亡剂瑞尔康 (雄黄 ,Realgar)治疗急性早幼粒细胞白血病 (APL)的效果和毒副反应。方法 随机应用瑞尔康治疗APL 3 0例。结果 完全缓解 (CR ) 2 8例 (93 3 3 % ) ,未缓解 (NR ) 2例(6 67% )。经 6~ 61个月 (平均 46个月 )巩固治疗、随访 ,2 8例缓解者中 ,复发 3例 (10 71% ) ,持续缓解者 2 5例 (89 2 9% )。皮肤过敏、色素沉着及ALT轻度升高者各 1例 (各 3 3 3 % )。结论 瑞尔康具有诱导缓解率及长期生存率高 ,可防治DIC出血及中枢神经系统白血病 ,优于骨髓移植、化疗及维甲酸的效果 ,且无明显毒副作用 ,可门诊治疗 ,不需化疗 ,经济方便 ,无痛苦等优点。
ObjectiveTo observe the effica cy and toxicity of realgar on acute promyelocytic leukemia(APL).Methods A randomized trial was designed.Realgar was administered to 30 patients with APL.ResultsAmong all of 30 patients,28 patients(93.33%) achieved CR,2(6.67%) patients had NR.With a median follow-up of 46 months(6~6 1 months),3(10.71%) paitents relapsed and 25 patients(89.29%) had continuous CR in 28 patients who had CR,skin sensitity,pigmentation and increase of ALT was fo und in one patient respectively.ConclusionRealgar has high rem ission rate,long survival rate,and little side effect.It is convenient and cheap for therapy.This is a new method to induce apoptosis of acute promyeloctic leuk emia.
Chinese Journal of Primary Medicine and Pharmacy