目的 :了解宁夏吸毒人员有关艾滋病知识及性行为特征。方法 :采用匿名自填问卷方式对在宁夏某戒毒所内戒毒的 6 2 2名吸毒者进行了调查。结果 :59 6 %~ 82 7%的吸毒者知道艾滋病的三大传播途径 ,4 1 0 %的吸毒者认为携带了艾滋病病毒后一定有症状 ,5 9%的吸毒者认为自己得艾滋病的可能性很大 ,6 8 2 %的吸毒者想获得艾滋病知识 ;95 7%的吸毒者曾有过性行为 ,6 1 3%的已婚者有婚外性行为 ,95 4 %有婚前性行为 ,5 5%有同性性行为 ,74 6 %有多性伴行为 ;58 8%为口吸毒品 ,2 9%为静脉注射 ,38 3%为口吸混合静脉注射 ;19 9%的吸毒者表示出戒毒所后不会再吸毒。结论 :宁夏吸毒人员有关艾滋病知识和性行为情况不容乐观 ,应引起有关部门的重视 。
Objective: To survey the AIDS-related knowledge, sexual behavi or an d narcotics taking behavior among narcotics in Ningxia Methods:A self-administered and anonymous questionnaire was carried out among 622 drug use rs at a detoxification camp in Ningxia Results: 59 6%~82 7% d rug users knew three main routes of AIDS transmission, 41 0% drug users thought th e y must have symptoms when they carried HIV, 5 9% drug users thought they would p ossibly get HIV infection There were 68 2% of drug users eager to get knowled ge about AIDS 95 7% drug users had sexual experience, 61 3% married drug users ha d extramarital sexual behavior, 95 4% drug users had sexual experience before g e tting married, 5 5% drug users had homosexuality, 74 6% drug users had multipl e sexual partners, 58 8% drug users were inhalers, 2 9% were injectors, 38 3% of them took drug by both smoking and injection 19 9% drug users thought they wo uld give up smoking when they released from the detoxification camp Conclusion: Because of poor knowledge on AIDS and bad sexual behavior amo ng drug users, preventive program should be implemented as soon as possible in N ingxia
Journal of Ningxia Medical College