目的 观察抗帕颗粒对帕金森病 (Parkinsondisease ,PD)鼠模型的旋转行为的影响。 方法 将 6 羟基多巴胺用立体定向法注入大鼠一侧中脑被盖腹侧区制作PD大鼠模型 ,并分为对照组、美多巴组、抗帕颗粒组、抗帕颗粒与美多巴联合组 4组 ,由阿朴吗啡诱发PD鼠旋转行为 ,观察各组 15d、1月、2月、3月旋转圈数 ,2月时启动时间、最高转速及持续时间等。 结果 抗帕颗粒组旋转圈数随时间延长下降明显 ,2月时行为学改善尤显著 ;抗帕颗粒联合小剂量美多巴组 15d旋转圈数即有下降 ,并随时间延长下降显著。 结论 抗帕颗粒联合小剂量美多巴治疗PD ,不仅起效较迅速 ,且疗效持久 ,副作用小。
Objective To observe the effects of anti-parkinson potion(APP)on the rotation action of parkinson rats. Methods We injected 6-hydroxydopamine in the ventral tegmental areas of rats with steric locating to make parkinson models.The rats were divided into 4 groups:control group,madopar group,APP group and combined group(APP and madopar).All the rats were induced to rotate by apomorphine.We counted the number of circles at the 15th day and the end of 1 month,2 months,3 months,the interval before the beginning of rotation at the end of 2 months,the highest rotating speed and the duration persisted. Results The number of circles decreased obviously with the time elapsing in APP group and peaked at the end of 2 months.In combined group,the number of circles decreased at the 15th day and became more and more obvious gradually. Conclusions It is more effective,lasts longer and has less side effects to therapy PD with small dosage of madopar combined with APP.
Practical Geriatrics
江苏省"十五"科技计划资助项目 (编号 :BS2 0 0 0 0 84)