电容耦合电阻率法 (CCR)是一种新颖的物探方法 ,它利用电容向地下供电 ,并利用电容来测量地表耦合电位。由于不需要接地 ,CCR解决了常规电阻率法在表层电阻率高的地区难以布极、供电困难等问题。CCR具有信息丰富 (可以连续采集 )、效率高 (沿地面拖动测量 )的特点 ,是一种在浅层勘探中很有前景的方法。文中在对这一方法的原理、工作方式进行介绍的基础上 ,对其应用效果作了初步探讨。
Capacitivity -Coupled Resistivity (CCR) Method is a new geophysical exploration method, which uses capacitor to supply current to underground and measures coupled electric potential as well. Because of without grounding, the CCR method solved such problems in ordinary resistivity method that it is difficult to arrange electrode and supply current in the area where the resistivity is very high in near -surface. CCR method has such advantages as abundant information ( continuous acquisition ) and high efficiency ( dragging survey along the ground ), which is a prospective method in shallow exploration. On the basis of introducing the principle and working ways of the method, the paper also made preliminary discussion on its applied effects.
Equipment for Geophysical Prospecting