目的 我们对近10年来115例阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征(OSAS)的住院治疗病例进行了总结。 方法 注重了对OSAS检诊手段的完善,强调了针对上气道不同的狭窄部位及程度实行个体化手术的原则,并对传统的术式进行了改进。 结果 OSAS的手术治疗收到了较好的临床效果。 结论 提出了满足临床需要和手术安全的麻醉方式及其适应证的选择标准。
Objective We reviewed 115 cases hospitalized for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OS-AS) including 106 patients underwent surgery from 1993 to 2003. Methods Examination and analysis techniques for OSAS were improved. It was emphasized that the surgical approaches, including palatopha-ryngoplasty, should be flexible and individualized, using adaptable techniques appropriate for the stenosis levels in the upper respiratory tract of patients. Results It was showed that the number of hospitalized patients with OSAS increased year by year since 1999. Conclusion The anesthesia techniques, namely local or general anesthesia with or without tracheotomy were discusses with an emphasis on anesthesia op-tions appropriate for the patients' conditions.
Journal of General Hospital of Air Force,PLA