传统文化,从广义的角度,超越了国界,作为历史的遗存,是人类共同的文化结晶。它为现代的人们提供 了了解人类文明发展、了解历史演变进程的丰富内容,是值得认真整理的旅游资源。而文化传统富于民族性,它的 产生和发展经历了漫长的奴隶社会、封建社会,作为意识形态,上层建筑,必然带着时代的痕迹。兼收并蓄不行, 当讲究扬弃。
The traditional culture as a historic heritage,in a broad sense,is the cultural crystallization. Shared by all the human beings providing a lot for people to learn the development of human civilization and the process of human history.However cultural tradition is based greatly on the nationality.It has the characteristics of times as ideology or superstructure because its birth and development have experienced a long history of slave and feudal societies.If taking in bath is not available,we can develop what is useful or healhy and discard what is not.
Journal of Chongqing Electric Power College