目的 :优选脑立苏颗粒剂 (石菖蒲、三七、地龙、大黄、郁金、红参等 )的粉碎和提取工艺。方法 :控制不同的超微粉碎条件 ,测定粉末细度 ,采用正交分析法 ,测定挥发油含量 ,浸膏得率和大黄素含量。结果 :最佳粉碎工艺为粗粉投料 ,在低温下粉碎 2 0min ,最佳挥发油提取工艺为 7倍量的水浸泡 1h ,水蒸汽蒸馏 4h ,最佳渗漉工艺为 75 %乙醇 30 0mL浸润 6h ,以3.0mL·kg-1·min-1渗漉。结论 :该提取工艺为制备脑立苏颗粒剂的最佳工艺。
AIM: To optimize the milling and extraction rate for Naolisu Granules (Rhizoma Acori Tatarinowii, Radix Notoginseny, Pheretima Radix et Rhizoma Rhei, Radix Curcuma, Radix Ginserg Rubra, etc.). METHODS: The granularity of powder was determined by different micropowder processes. The process was studied by orthogonal design with the content of volatile oil, the yield of extract and the content of emodin. RESULTS: The optimum process of milling was that coarse powder was micropulverized for 20 min at -8℃ ~ -12℃ . The optimum extraction of volatile oil was distillated for 4 hs after volatile medical materials were macerated for 1h with 7 times amount of water. The optimum process of percolation was percolated by 300mL of 75% alcohol with 3.0mL·kg -1 ·min -1 after the medical material powders were macerated for 6 hs. CONCLUSION: These optimum processes are suitable for preparation of Naolisu Granules.
Chinese Traditional Patent Medicine
广东省中医药管理局立项课题 (No :98462 )