浮世绘和扬州八怪的形成具有共同点: 首先它们都是工商业发达的产物,与当时商业有着不可割断的关系; 其二是它们都在一座都市的范围内衍生、成长直至衰亡,但其说服力和影响力都跨越了有限的地域; 其三它们都是存在于或长或短的一段时期,具有和当时不一般的独创性风格特点,异军突起,具有了一种超越时代的生命扩张力。
There are three similarities of their developments between ukiyoe and Yangzhou Eccentric Painters: 1. Both of them were the result ofcommercial society at that time; 2. Both were born and grew and disappeared just in their own cities, but their influences have surpassed thebounds of their limited regions; 3. Though they survived in distinct art form in a short time in art history, they have showed a vitality bypassinga stage of history.
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