:本文介绍一种新型的甲襞微循环图象处理分析系统,首次采用序列小窗动态采集/回放技术,使每帧(512×512×8bit)内存即可采集一幅大帧画面,又可连续采集16幅 (128×128×8bit)小窗图象。因而只用四帧内存就可动态地再现经处理后的小窗图象。该系统经临床应用于甲襞血流微循环图象处理及分析,收到令人满意的效果。系统配有各种血流微循环检测及处理软件,并且有体积小、功能强、成本低等优点。
This paper introduces a new kind of image processing and analysis system for nail fold microcirculation. For the first time the technique is used of sampling and displaying sequence of small screen image dynamically which enables one frame of memories (512×512×8bit) to not only store one ordinary frame image, but also sixteen sequences of small screen image (128×128×8bit). Therefore only four frames of memories are needed to reproduce synamically the sequence of small screen which has been processed. The system has been used clinically for nail fold microcirculation image processing and analysis and yields satisfying rosults. The system also has many kinds of measurement and analysis software for microcirculation,and combbines the advantages of little volume, low cost and good function.
Chinese Journal of Medical Instrumentation