A rare case of liver abscess due to Candida albi cans was cured with intra-abscess injection of liposomal am pho-tericin B(Amphotec).A12-year-old boy was admitted because an abscess of the right lobar in his liver developed after an in jury operation.The abscess acupuncture was performed for11times.Abscess fluid was examined and the in fection of Can-di da albi cans was confirmed by microscopy and culture examinations.The antifungal treatment was given by in tra-ab scess in-jection of liposomal amphoterin B twice a week under the direction of B ultrasonography.The first dose was0.8mg,and then the next dosage was increased to1.0,2.0,3.0and4.0mg,respectively.The total injection times were9and the total dosage was30.8mg.The abscess condition got better quickly,and the negative identification of abscess fluid was ob tained by mi croscopy and cul ture examinations.The patient was cured without recurrence through three-year follow-up.
Journal of Clinical Dermatology