
垂体转录活化物-1基因在人垂体腺瘤中的表达 被引量:1

Expression of the pituitary transcription activator-1 gene in human pituitary adenomas
摘要 目的 用RT PCR方法 ,定量研究垂体转录活化物 (Pit) 1mRNA在不同类型的垂体腺瘤中的表达。方法  3 5例垂体腺瘤患者根据血清激素水平和临床表现确定腺瘤类型 ,根据影像学和术中所见对肿瘤分级和分期。用RT PCR方法检测垂体腺瘤组织中Pit 1mRNA的表达。结果  3 5例垂体腺瘤患者有PRL腺瘤 13例 ,GH腺瘤 6例 ,GH/PRL腺瘤 2例 ,无功能瘤 11例以及ACTH腺瘤 3例。Pit 1mRNA在所有PRL瘤、GH/PRL瘤、GH瘤和 81.8% (9/ 11)无功能腺瘤中有表达。在ACTH腺瘤组中无表达。Pit 1mRNA在PRL、GH和GH/PRL 3组腺瘤中的表达量差异无显著性 ,均显著高于无功能瘤组(均P <0 .0 5)。Pit 1表达量与肿瘤分级分期无明显相关性。PRL瘤术前血清PRL值与腺瘤组织Pit 1表达量呈显著的正相关 (r=0 .92 ,P <0 .0 1) ,GH腺瘤术前血清GH值与腺瘤组织Pit 1表达量呈显著的正相关 (r =0 .98,P <0 .0 1)。结论 Pit 1mRNA在PRL、GH、GH/PRL瘤以及大部分无功能腺瘤中有表达 ,其中在PRL、GH以及GH/PRL瘤的表达量较高 ,Pit 1对垂体GH和PRL腺瘤的细胞特异分化以及分泌功能是否具有作用 。 Objective To in ve stigate quantitatively the expression of pituitary transcription activator (Pit) -1 mRNA in different types of human pituitary adenomas by RT-PCR. Methods Samples were obtained from 35 patients who had unde rgone therapeutic surgery for pituitary adenomas. The type of pituitary adenomas was determined according to serum hormone levels and clinical features, and the grade and the stage of pituitary adenomas were depended on imaging and operatio n observation. Expression of Pit-1 mRNA of pituitary adenomas was assayed by RT -PCR. Results Thirty five patients with pituit ary adenomas consisted of 13 cases with PRL adenomas, 6 cases with GH adenomas, 2 cases with GH/PRL mixed adenomas, 11 cases with clinically non-functioning ad enomas and 3 cases of ACTH adenomas. Pit-1 mRNA was expressed in all PRL, GH an d GH-PRL mixed adenomas and in some non-functioning adenomas (9/11). No Pit-1 mRNA expression was found in ACTH adenomas. Pit-1 mRNA levels in PRL, GH or GH /PRL mixed adenomas were similar and all higher than that in non-functioning ad enomas (all P<0.05). There was no correlation between Pit- 1 transcripts and tumor grade and stage. Serum PRL level before operation was po sitively related with Pit-1 mRNA level (r=0.92, P <0.01) in PRL adenoma and serum GH level before operation was positiv ely related with Pit-1 expression level in GH adenoma (r=0. 98, P<0.01). Conclusion Pi t-1 mRNA is expressed in PRL, GH, GH/PRL and non-functioning adenomas, among t hem PRL, GH and GH/PRL ademomas show higher Pit-1 mRNA expression. Possible rol e of Pit-1 in cytodifferentiation of those types of human pituitary adenomas aw aits further study.
作者 徐春 李江源
出处 《中华内分泌代谢杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第5期361-363,共3页 Chinese Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism
关键词 垂体转录活化物-1 基因 垂体腺瘤 表达 逆转录聚合酶链反应 Pituitary transcription activator-1 (P it-1) Pituitary adenoma Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction
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