目的 :研究溃疡性结肠炎 (UC)患者肠粘膜中趋化因子IL 8,MCP 1和核转录因子NF κB的变化 .方法 :患者30例经柳氮磺胺吡啶和糖皮质激素治疗前后与正常人比较 .RT PCR法半定量检测肠粘膜中IL 8,MCP 1的变化 ;采作凝胶电泳迁移率改变分析 (EMSA)法检测肠粘膜细胞核内核转录因子NF κB的变化 .结果 :UC急性期IL 8/G3PDH的比率为 1.0 9± 0 .2 2 ,缓解期为 0 .4 9± 0 .2 1,与正常对照组 0 .14± 0 .10相比均有明显增加 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,治疗前后有显著差异 (P <0 .0 5 ) ;MCP 1/G3PDH的比率为急性期 0 .89± 0 .2 3,缓解期为 0 .81± 0 .19,与正常对照组 0 .0 7± 0 .0 4相比均有明显差异 (P <0 .0 1) ,但治疗前后无明显差异 .肠上皮细胞核内NF κB亦明显增加 .结论 :UC的发生发展与IL 8,MCP 1等趋化因子的变化密切相关 ,它的表达由细胞核内NF κB调控 .柳氮磺胺吡啶和糖皮质激素可能通过抑制NF κB的合成达到抗炎目的 .
AIM: To investigate the changes of chemokine and nuclear factorκB in patients with ulcerative colitis (UC). METHODS: The colon mucosal biopsy specimens were obtained from 30 UC patients treated with sulphasalazine (SASP) plus glucocorticoid. The expressions of chemokine IL 8 and MCP 1 were measured by RT PCR. The expressions of NF κB were measured by electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA). RESULTS: The expressions of IL 8 and MCP 1 increased obviously at the active phase (1.09±0.22, 0.89±0.23, P <0.01) and inactive phase (0.49± 0.21, 0.81±0.19, P <0.01) compared with those of control (0.14±0.10, 0.07±0.04). The expressions of NF κB were significantly higher in active phase of UC than those of control ( P <0.01). CONCLUSION: The occurrence of UC correlates with the increase of IL 8 and MCP 1. NF κB modulates the secretion of IL 8. Sulphasalazine (SASP) and glucocorticoid inhibit inflammation by blocking the activation of NF κB.
Journal of the Fourth Military Medical University
广东省自然科学基金 (0 1 0 62 1 )