目的 :采用不透X线标志物测定功能性便秘患儿和正常儿童全胃肠传输时间口 盲传输时间 ,结肠传输时间及分段结肠传输时间的正常值 .方法 :通过口服不透X线标志物 ,用X线拍片法分别于 12 ,2 4和 4 8h摄腹部平片 ,测定 6 8名正常儿童全胃肠传输时间 (totalgastrointestinaltransittime,TGITT)、口 盲时间 (mouth intestinetransittime ,M ITT)和结肠传输时间 (colonictransittime ,CTT) .结果 :正常儿童及FC患儿的 5 0 %全胃肠、口 盲、全结肠传输时间分别为 (2 3.6± 1.6 )h ,(9.9± 1.4 )h ,(14 .8± 1.8)和 (80 .4± 2 .1)h ,(2 0 .7± 0 .6 )h ,(5 9.9± 2 .3)h .节段性结肠传输时间包括 :右半结肠传输时间 (rightcolonictransittime,RCTT) ;左半结肠传输时间 (leftcolonictransittime ,LCTT)和直肠乙状结肠传输时间 (rectosigmoidcolonictransittime,RSTT)分别为 (7.3± 1.1)h ,(3.4± 0 .8)h ,(4 .1± 1.2 )和 (2 0 .3± 1.2 )h ,(12 .8± 1.7)h ,(2 6 .8± 1.4 )h .结论 :正常儿童胃肠传输时间与正常成人和功能性便秘患儿比较有显著差异 (P <0 .0 1) .胃肠传输时间测定可了解全胃肠及各段的动力情况 。
AIM: In order to determine the standard of total gastrointestinal transit time (TGITT), mouth intestine transit time (M ITT) and total or segmental colonic transit time (CTT) in children with functional constipation (FC) and healthy children with radiopaque markers (ROM). METHODS: 28 FC children aged 3~14 (mean 6.5±3.8) years and 68 healthy children aged 3~13 (mean 6.3±4.3) years were studied. Radiopaque markers were taken at 08:00 on day 1, and plain abdominal films were taken at 12, 24 and 48 h later. RESULTS: The TGITT, M ITT and CTT of the healthy children and FC children were (23.6±1.6) h, (9.9± 1.4) h, (14.8±1.8) and (80.4±2.1) h,(20.7± 0.6) h, (59.9±2.3) h respectively. The segmental colonic transit time includes: the right colonic transit time (RCTT), the left colonic transit time (LCTT) and the rectosigmoid colonic transit time (RSTT).The RCTT, LCTT and RSTT were (7.3±1.1) h, (3.4±0.8) h, (4.1±1.2) and (20.3± 1.2) h, (12.8±1.7) h, (26.8±1.4) h respectively. CONCLUSION: The TGITT of healthy children is significantly faster than that of adults and FC children ( P <0.01). This method is well tolerated and useful in establishing the diagnosis of functional constipation in children and in the assessment of its severity.
Journal of the Fourth Military Medical University
radiopaque markers
gastrointestinal transit time