目的 探讨聚丙烯酰胺水凝胶注射术后并发症的发生原因及其防治措施。方法 对39例应用聚丙烯酰胺水凝胶注射隆乳、丰颞、隆鼻、凹陷充填术后出现并发症的临床表现进行分析讨论。结果 39例中并发症分别为感染 5例 ,硬结 2 3例、疼痛 2 5例、穿刺点溃破 9例、移位 6例、乳汁淤积 1例、鼻部皮肤坏死 1例、乳房变形 3例、双侧不对称 4例、无菌性炎症 10例、面部皮肤痤疮样改变 4例 (非注射部位 )。结论 并发症的发生主要是由于手术操作不当所致 ,部分并发症的发生可能与充填材料有关 ,对聚丙烯酰胺水凝胶的临床应用应持谨慎态度。
Objective To explore the reasons for the complications of polyacrylamide hydrogel injection. Methods 39 patients were included in this study,who had complications after polyacrylamide hydrogel injection in the breasts,nose,temproal area or depressed locus.The clinical manifestations of the complications were analyzed. Results Postoperative infection occurred in 5 cases,induration in 23,pain in 25,ulceration of the puncture points in 9,displacement in 6,galactostasis in 1,skin necrosis in 1,breast deformation in 3,bilateral asymmetry in 4,aseptic inflammation in 10,and skin-acne-like changes on the face in 4. Conclusion Some complications were caused mainly by incorrect manipulation and others were relative to the injected material.The applications of polyacrylamide hydrogel as a clinical implant material need further investigations.Polyacrylamide hydrogel injection should be cautiously used.
Chinese Journal of Plastic Surgery