常德丝弦植根于湖湘文化沃土之中 ,是中国民族民间曲艺音乐艺术中影响较大的曲种之一。它上承唐代变文 ,在漫长的艺术实践中不断演变发展 ;它以灵活、快捷、独具魅力的艺术形式展示时代风采 ,为推动历史进步 ,提升人们的欣赏水平 ,特别是为传承中华优秀艺术传统作出了贡献。
Changde Sixian,rooted in the rich soil of Hunan Province, is one of the rather influential forms in chinese national folk music.It was originated in Tang Dynasty and is always developed in its long artistic practices. The flexible,high-speeded and charismatic art showcases the charm of the day and contributes to pushing forward the historical progress,promoting our appreciative ability and especially inheriting chinese splendid artistic tradition.
Journal of Hunan University of Arts and Science:Social Science Edition